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benefits chart


Global enterprises leverage our product for real-time insights to gain an edge in their market

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Learn how you could find your own edge in the global supply chain

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Case Studies

Find out how our Supply Chain Intelligence helps an organization like yours.

Crisis Management

Sense potential risks and mitigate disruptions in your supply chain.

Global war room capability

Bring all your data–internal and external into a single pane of view and set up visibility for every one responsible

Single click action assignment

Allot actions to individuals across the enterprise in a single click

Integration with 3rd party data

Signal data, streaming data, vendor and partner data can all be integrated seamlessly in real-time and continually

Global risk calculation across all factors

Get a 360 degree view of all your risk factors that can enable you to take decisions for now and into the future


Proactively leverage data-driven signals to take actions to keep your supply chain functioning smoothly

define a alert

Define your own alerts

Create alerts based on roles, risks, and timeline to market unique to your business and internal processes

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Built in workflow

Use our built-in workflows to enable your teams to smoothly perform risk-mitigation actions

Root Cause Analysis sign

Built in Root Cause Analysis

Leverage machine learning capabilities to understand the issues and challenges at the cause level

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Prebuilt operational alerts for network planner, customer service, demand planner, production planner

Standardize alerts and messaging, automate processes across the enterprise and roles

Network Visibility

Gain complete visibility into every node and function of your supply chain network–both internal and external



Demand – open order, back order, planned demand

Gain demand visibility across business functions, partners, sourcing, and suppliers


Inventory sign

Inventory – on hand, restricted, quality, in transit, dock to stock, WIP

Build real-time visibility into inventory across silos in the supply chain


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Supply – planned supply, projected demand, projected supply

Align supply capabilities and levels to demand forecasting, and gain flexibility in planning and execution


Accelerated Response Times

  • Continuous sensing creates alerts and single clicks turns alerts into immediate actions. What-if scenario planning allows planners to choose the optimal balance before converting alerts into response. Systemic limitations of supply chain process, changes in cycle time, demand acceleration, node to node lead times are fundamental in running scenario planning for accelerating response times.

Increased Service Levels

  • A risk adjusted global view across all customers along with a single click redistribution of inventory allows planners to optimize service levels across all customers reflecting changes in ground reality. Value of customer, historic service levels, and risk adjusted availability of products are fundamental to continuous optimization and improvement of service levels for customers and nodes (in case of multi echelon planning).

Reduced Inventory Levels

  • Our models are trained to balance service levels, lead time, response time to optimize/reduce inventory levels. Continuous sensing of market changes adjusts inventory min/max, and safety stock levels eliminating human errors and improving inventory utilization. AI risk adjusted inventory projection and vulnerability curves allow planners single and multi echelon inventory optimization.


COVID-19 Supply Chain Impact

AI driven insights to mitigate global supply chain risk

Network Visibility & Risk Management

Get a frictionless supply chain by enabling “Sense and Respond” at the edge.

Clinical Supply Chain

AI driven insights for the clinical supply chain

Margin Management

AI driven margin management for the chemical industry

M&A Cross-sell & Up-sell Analysis

AI driven insights to accelerate PLM/PIM implementation